

The old internet at one point had many websites linking to other websites. This linking process is a pre-search engine error idea. This webbing page brings back the old concept of finding websites without a search engine.

The purpose of this page is to provide links to external websites that are not directly related to this website. Websites that provide interesting things that might be associated with this project or in some way share similar ideologies or designs. This page page will be slowly populated over time.

These websites do not represent the Kevux website and neither does the Kevux website represent these sites. At no point should you consider or assume that these websites or their authors share common beliefs. The links to these websites could, at any point in time, become unavailable.


URL: https://kernel.org/.

Linux is an Operating System. This Operating System should not need any introduction here.

Kevux runs off of and utilizes Linux.

Linux From Scratch

URL: https://linuxfromscratch.org/.

Provides a set of instructions to, from the ground up, learn how to build and install a basic Linux distribution using only the source code.

Linux From Scratch is Kevin Day's first experience with diving deep into Linux. This is want ultimately inspired the Kevux Operating Systems design.

Software that Sucks Less

URL: https://suckless.org/.

Provides a collection of projects designed around the idea of simplicity, clarity, and frugality in software.

The ideas behind Software that Sucks Less are very similar to the Kevux Software, such as the Featureless Linux Library. There are slight, but significant differences. Expect the Kevux Software to be slightly more complex.

Musl Libc

URL: https://musl.libc.org/.

Provides an implementation of the standard libc. This is considered, by Kevin Day, to be one of the better designed libc implementations out there.

Consider using this Musl Libc over the more popular GNU C Library found at https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/.