
Website Licenses

There are multiple licenses for content on this website and content served from this website (such as a Distribution). The website documentation covers only the parts of the website that are not already under an existing license. The specifications are under a different license. All files, be they binaries or text files, provided by the distributions have their own licenses. The Featureless Linux Library and all files provided along with it have their own licenses. Documentation associated with each of these projects are under a different license as defined by their associated project.

Everything else on this website, such as this news blog, that is content is under CC By SA 4.0 license.

Everything else on this website that is source code, including HTML markup, CSS, and Javascript, is under LGPLv2.1+ license.

© 2022-2025 Kevin Day

Kevux Distribution Licenses

There is currently only a single Kevux distribution, called Turtle Kevux. This distribution is a collection of numerous software projects and their related files. Each of these is under their own respective license, which is provided with their respective source code. The Kevux-specific code, such as the Turtle Kevux Installation Scripts is under the LGPLv2.1+ license. The TKIS also heavily utilizes the Featureless Make system as well as numerous Featureless Settings Specification processing programs that are also under the LGPLv2.1+ license.

Each project is copyrighted by their respective authors. The Kevux Distribution specific files are copyrighted by Kevin Day.

Featureless Linux Library Licenses

The FLL source code is © 2007-2025 Kevin Day under the LGPLv2.1+ license.

The FLL standards and specifications are © 2007-2025 Kevin Day under the OSLv1+. The OSLv1+ is under active development and may be of a lesser version, such as 0.5. For simplicity, these are being referred to as 1.0 as the goal and intent of the license grant is for version 1 or greater. Therefore any version less than 1 is implicitly assumed to be of version 1 or greater.

Documentation contained within the FLL that is not under a specification license is © 2007-2025 Kevin Day under the CC By SA 4.0.

Individual Projects Licenses

All of the projects listed on the Projects pages are either part of the FLL or are based on the FLL. As a result they are © 2007-2025 Kevin Day under the LGPLv2.1+.

Documentation Licenses

Documentation that is used to described specifications (included Application Programming Interfaces) are © 2007-2025 Kevin Day under the OSLv1+.

All remaining documentation that does not fall under the OSLv1+ are © 2007-2025 Kevin Day under the CC By SA 4.0.