Source Code

Featureless Linux Library

The source code for the Featureless Linux Library is released in several locations. The Featureless Linux Library page contains the full range of links regarding the source code.

The following represent the primary source code locations as well as backup locations at external websites:

Turtle Kevux Distribution

The source code for the Turtle Kevux Distribution is provided in the DVD-ROM for each individual release. There currently is no recent release available. The legacy releases may be found on the distributions page.

The following represents the most recently available release:

The following represents the active development (unreleased) related code:

Turtle Kevux Installation Scripts

The source code for the Turtle Kevux Installation Scripts is provided both as separate downloads and in the DVD-ROM for each individual Turtle Kevux release. There currently is no recent release available. The legacy releases may be found on the distributions page.

The following represents the most recently available release:

The following represents the active development (unreleased) related code:

Kevux Website

The Kevux Website source code is also available for download. This website is designed to function even when downloaded, extracted, and viewed locally (without a web server hosting it). The downloaded version of this website will not contain the non-website related files nor will it contain the download website file itself. Such links will be broken on the downloaded website source. Check out the licenses page for the license of the source code of this website.

The following is the link:

Most of the changes for this website are also made publicly available through repositories hosted on third-party websites and services. To see a history of all of the changes or get the latest version of the website, visit any of these repositories.