With a stable release of the Featureless Linux Library around the corner and the resuming of development of the Turtle Kevux Distribution, it is now time to refresh the website.
The available functionality in the HTML standard has changed a decent amount since this website was last updated. This new design focuses on a very primitive look and feel utilizing a lot of the built in visual tools available to the HTML5 and CSS3 languages. The website is being built in stages, to allow for prioritizing getting information out over getting information looking great. This website even actively uses UTF-8.
The website is now built to be more "responsive" (as the buzz-word goes). I do not like the responsive design because it forces assumptions that may not be desirable for the end-user (which is generally what I plagues me). I took an approach to utilize the device with CSS3 properties to ensure that the website looks like a proper website even when your window size is small but when you are on a small device it uses the more mobile look and feel. This is implemented entirely without Javascript, including the mobile menu. The downside of this is that the page gets reloaded on these kinds of interactions. I will eventually write an optional Javascript file that will handle these kinds of interactions without page reloads. I have tested this mobile view on my Pinephone but I do not have other devices to test and cannot guarantee the presentation is displayed as intended. This website is also intended to be automatically print-friendly.
The Turtle Kevux Distribution is having several of the less used files removed so that I can reclaim some of the much need disk space. There latest Turtle Kevux Distribution is undergoing heavy modification and revitalization. The Featureless Linux Library will be incorporated into the Turtle Kevux Distribution. Some of the concepts from Dragonfly Kevux Distribution are being merged into the Turtle Kevux Distribution. The Dragonfly Kevux Distribution is being put on hold until all other priorities are met.
The Featureless Linux Library itself has had major improvements and will ultimately be used to help generate this static website. For now, I am just manually creating the pages. This will quickly become hard to manage but hopefully I will write the processing scripts to generate this website before that happens.
I also plan on sending out more communications, but I have yet to figure out when and how often I shall do this.
Kevin Day