The version date of this specification is 2023/07/14
The IKI specifications are separate specifications from the FSS. This is simply a more formal way to designate that this format utilizes IKI syntax. This may also be used to designate EKI syntax.
When neither an IKI nor an EKI header is specified and (other than fss-000c
is specified) and the syntax is not known through some other means, then this can be assumed to be in IKI syntax rather than EKI syntax.
The IKI syntax may be used in any FSS.
See the iki.txt specification for details on the IKI specifications.
See the eki.txt specification for details on the EKI specifications.
# fss-000c iki-0000 This is a italic:"formal example" utilizing the FSS and IKI headers.
# iki-0000 This is a italic:"informal example" utilizing only the IKI headers.
# fss-000c eki-0000 This is a bold:italic:"informal example" utilizing the FSS and EKI headers.
# fss-000c This is a italic:"formal example" utilizing only the FSS headers, which in this case is treated as IKI rather than EKI.