The new year has yielded a large amount of development progress in several of my projects. I have also seen some bad happenings and good happenings in the technology world. With my projects moving into the next stages, I have decided to begin releasing more details of my plans going forward.

This is a longer than usual read and so let me first summarize the topics at hand. The fundamentals of my ideas driving my work and life are now being formalized into what I am calling Project Lighthouse. This is itself not actually a project but instead is an idea from which one may follow with their own projects in not just software technology. My programs and libraries follow these ideas represented by Project Lighthouse and extend into what I call Actual Accessibility. That is to say, the ability to access. My network related code is slowly progressing but it is progressing. My TacocaT program is a small tool that I am using to help brainstorm how I am going to write the network related code. This ultimately shall become the foundation for the Furl program as well as more complex projects. The Controller program is going to see some major work to both utilize this network related code as well as improvements to make it a functional way to break free of the nonsense that is SystemD. I finally got around to setting up and making all of my code available there as well as a few others that are not my projects.